The Syrian city of Aleppo. REUTERS
CAIRO, Oct 20 (Aswat Masriya) - Egypt received the Syrian government's approval of its endeavor to "alleviate the suffering of the people of Aleppo", the foreign ministry said on Thursday.
According to a statement by the ministry, Egypt has mediated to secure the delivery of humanitarian aid to devastated areas in Aleppo and to evacuate the injured and the elderly.
The ministry added that "a visit is currently being organized for the Egyptian Charge D'Affaires in Damascus, Counselor Mohamed Tharwat, to Aleppo to oversee the evacuation of the injured."
Aleppo is seeing a "humanitarian catastrophe unlike any we have witnessed in Syria", the UN aid chief Stephen O'Brien said in September.
The protracted conflict in Syria since 2011 has inflicted grave harm on its citizens, killing thousands and displacing millions.
Since 2011, about 4.8 million people have fled the war-torn country, according to UNHCR.
The refugee agency registered about 2.1 million Syrians in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon.
Earlier in October, the United Nations Security Council failed to adopt two resolutions, one was backed by Russia while the other was backed by France, addressing the conflict in Syria.
Egypt voted in favour of both resolutions.
Both resolutions called for a ceasefire but Russia's resolution did not include ending of airstrikes on the Syrian city of Aleppo.
The Russian draft garnered only four votes while the French , which called for immediate end of air strikes on Aleppo, received 11 votes but was vetoed by Russia.
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