Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, REUTERS
CAIRO, Mar 27 (Aswat Masriya) - The Egyptian House of Representatives heard the government’s programme on Sunday, just days after a Cabinet reshuffle brought in 10 new ministers.
The Egyptian constitution stipulates that the government has to present its programme to the House and win the confidence of the majority of House members within 30 days.
According to state-run television, Prime Minister Sherif Ismail kicked off his speech at parliament today with a statement on the Cabinet reshuffle which was announced on Wednesday, and included the ministers of justice, finance and tourism.
Ismail addressed the challenges Egypt faces and said that the problems may be big but the government is working on solving them.
Ismail said that because the state continued to offer services for low prices, it has been unable to raise its efficiency.
“The government took the Egyptian citizen’s side,” he said, describing the citizen as the main target of the government’s programme. Ismail said that any economic decision made will be accompanied by a social protection programme.
The government’s programme has seven main targets, the first of which is to protect Egyptian national security, while the second is to reinforce the “democratic infrastructure”. Other targets include creating an ambitious economic plan, reinforcing social solidarity, developing infrastructure and strengthening Egypt’s role on an international scale.
One-time petroleum minister Ismail was appointed as prime minister by President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and formed his first Cabinet in September 2015, replacing Ibrahim Mehleb.
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