Egypt's newspapers on Feb. 21, 2017 - Aswat Masriya
CAIRO, Feb 21 (Aswat Masriya) – Our daily roundup of headlines in Egypt's main state-owned and private newspapers on Feb. 21, 2017:
-Radical solutions to address traffic crisis…President: coordination among all state agencies to implement projects on time
-Cassation Court upholds death penalty against defendants in Port Said massacre case
-Russia: committed to sell Mikoyan MiG-29 fighters to Egypt
-Egypt, Tunis, Algeria six-point declaration on Libya
-Sisi to government: radical solutions for traffic problem, strengthening discipline on streets
-Death sentences for ten, life imprisonment for 25 in Port Said massacre case
-Customs dollar fixed every 15 days
-Messi arrives Tuesday…fights with Egyptians against Hepatitis C virus
Al-Masry al-Youm:
-Cassation Court upholds death sentences against 11, including runaway, and imprisonment sentences for 41 others
-“Saving Libya” plan launches with Egypt’s collaboration
-Second Presidential pardon list in days – sources from the presidency
-Parliament’s economic committee requests to summon central bank governor
-Final verdict in Port Said massacre upholding death sentences against ten
-Israeli army: two rockets were launched from Sinai on Israeli land
-Division in parliament on Sadat’s fate expected
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