Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, REUTERS
CAIRO, Feb 13 (Aswat Masriya) - The expected cabinet reshuffle will involve eight ministers, including those responsible for investment and agriculture, parliamentary sources told Reuters on Monday.
A vote in parliament to confirm the new cabinet is expected on Tuesday. The final names for the new posts have not yet been disclosed.
President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi had announced mid-Jan. that a cabinet reshuffle will happen “very soon”.
The last cabinet reshuffle took place in March, when Sisi named 10 new ministers including for the finance and investment portfolios.
Egypt’s constitution stipulates that “The President of the Republic may conduct a cabinet reshuffle after consultation with the Prime Minister and approval of the House of Representatives by an absolute majority of the members present, which must not be less than one third of its members.”
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