Heinz production line. Photo from official Facebook page
CAIRO, Dec 21 (Aswat Masriya) - Egyptian prosecution released on Wednesday the managing director of the famous ketchup maker, Heinz Egypt after being arrested over allegations of using rotten tomatoes in food production.
Local media outlets reported earlier in December that rotten tomatoes have been detected at one of the company’s warehouses.
The prosecution accused the company’s managing director of trading rotten foods and endangering the health and safety of citizens.
Heinz Egypt defended its brand in a statement saying that “all Kraft Heinz products undergo strict control measures and inspection systems that guarantee compliance with Heinz’s international standards in food production”.
The Ministry of Trade and Industry said on Sunday that Heinz food products meet the health and safety standards after examining samples used in production.
Industrial Control Authority, under the ministry of trade, said in its report that there were no violations with regard to the production process.
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