Photo: Aswat Masriya
CAIRO, Sept. 29 (Aswat Masriya) - Egypt's assistant prosecutor general Zakaria Abdel Aziz has survived a car bomb attack targeting his convoy on Thursday night, according to a statement by interior ministry.
The car, parked on the side of the road, exploded when the convoy of the assistant prosecutor general was passing at Al-Banafseg district in New Cairo's First Settlement, the statement read.
According to the statement, a passerby was injured and transferred to a hospital for treatment, while the assistant prosecutor general and his guards were unharmed.
“Security forces launched intensive inspection operations and closed off the road, aiming to arrest the executors of the attack,” the statement read.
So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Militancy inside Egypt has seen a significant rise since the military ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Mursi in July 2013, which was prompted by mass protests against his rule.
Egypt’s public prosecutor Hisham Barakat was killed in June 2015 after a bomb targeted his motorcade.
In May 2016, public prosecution referred 67 defendants to criminal court in the case of Barakat, accusing them of belonging to the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood group and that they organised the assassination in coordination with the Palestinian movement Hamas.
Hamas has however denied Egypt's accusations.
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