Roundup of Egypt's press headlines on Sept. 11, 2016

Sunday 11-09-2016 AM 11:01
Roundup of Egypt's press headlines on Sept. 11, 2016

Press headlines on Sept 11, 2016. ASWATMASRIYA

CAIRO, Sept 11 (Aswat Masriya) – Our daily roundup of headlines in Egypt's main state-owned and private newspapers on Sept. 11, 2016:


-Egypt welcomes truce in Syria

-Government in intensive preparations for Eid al-Adha,  put up additional quantities of sugar, 1.1 million gas cylinders and meat


-Russian delegation praises security at airports, first Turkish flight arrives in Sharm al-Sheikh

-Promotion of 300,000 employee after Zeid

-Three million pilgrims on mount Arafat today


-Rome hails results of talks with Egyptian prosecution in Regeni’s case

-Criminal court upholds asset freeze on 17 defendants in wheat corruption case

Al-Masry Al-Youm:

-Pilgrims on mount Arafat accompanied by special forces

-Upholding asset freeze on 17 defendants in wheat corruption case

-International cooperation minister: international funding is a“trust certificate” in our economy


-Government welcomes Eid al-Adha on streets

-Defense Minister: Armed forces personnel bless Sisi’s leadership of Egypt

-CAOA supports upgrading 300,000 employees 


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