A mosque in Cairo - REUTERS (archive)
CAIRO, Jul 14 (Aswat Masriya) - The Ministry of Endowments said on Thursday that the theme of next Friday's sermon will be "illegitimate money," as per its earlier announcement that imams must give unified sermons, dictated by the ministry.
The ministry announced last week the formation of a committee to prepare and draft Friday sermons "in line with the spirit of the [modern] age, in terms of issues of faith, lifestyle, morals, humanity, and reality."
This is because some preachers do not "control" themselves on the pedestal, the ministry said, explaining that they may prolong the sermons, discuss off-subject matters, or engage in partisan and political matters.
Many preachers have opposed this, and have initiated a hashtag called #No_to_the_written_sermon on social media. Opposition has decried the move as another way for the state to enforce surveillance and censorship on citizens.
The Ministry of Endowments said on its official website that the sermon for next Friday will about the dangers of illegitimate money, its influences on individuals and society, as well as the need to investigate money, and the different types of illegitimate money.
Illegitimate- or forbidden- money includes money made from cheating, taking someone's inheritance, stealing, bribery, and more, the statement explained.
The Minister of Endowments, Mohammed Gomaa, stressed that the move is not restricting to imams, because the imam has freedom with his audience through lessons and seminars.
He added that the decision is not "political" but the point is to formulate thought, and tackle misconceptions.
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