Cars in a traffic jam in Cairo. REUTERS
CAIRO, Jun 5 (Aswat Masriya) – Egypt’s population will reach 91 million at 10 p.m. on Sunday, the state-run Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) said.
The country’s population had reached 90 million on December 6, which means that the past six months only have seen an increase by one million people, CAPMAS added in a statement on Sunday.
A 2.4 per cent population growth rate was registered in 2015, five times higher than the rate in developed countries and twice as higher as the rate in developing countries, the agency added.
Egypt’s capital, Cairo, is the country’s most populous province. Its 9.51 million residents make up 10.45 per cent of Egypt’s overall population.
Giza, which is part of the Greater Cairo area, comes next with 7.84 million inhabitants, who constitute 8.6 million of Egypt’s population.
The least populated province is South Sinai, with 171,000 inhabitants, or 0.18 per cent of the overall population.
Only 7.7 per cent of Egypt's land is populated.
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