Egyptian newspapers. Archive photo
CAIRO, Jun 3 (Aswat Masriya) – Our daily roundup of headlines in Egypt's main state-owned and private newspapers on Jun. 4, 2016:
Sisi: Egypt now owns the characteristics of a state that cannot fall
FM demands procedures be taken against Kenyan representative for animosity against Egyptian delegation
Paris conference: Shukri demands international community take responsibility towards peace
Sisi: there is no power in the world that can defeat Egyptians as long as they are one man's heart
514 tonnes of oil, rice in markets tomorrow
Al-Arabi: Civil services law raises pensions by 75 per cent
Sisi: majority of people refused calls for pitting people the past months
'Terrorists' cut electricity off from Sheikh Zwaid and Rafah
The world renews support for Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations
Al-Masry Al-Youm:
Mediterranean sea crisis, boat carrying 700 drowns, military aids in rescue
Sisi: more detainees will be pardoned soon
Sisi: With hope and projects, Egypt reclaimed itself
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