Egypt's press headlines, May 27, 2016
CAIRO, May 27 (Aswat Masriya) - Our daily roundup of headlines in Egypt's main state-owned and private newspapers on May 27, 2016:
-Egypt rises against Abu Qirqas crime
-Government warns against manipulating prices of food, drugs
-Two French companies contracted to find back boxes
-Government: Ceiling on increase in drugs’ prices is 6 Egyptian pounds per packet
-Rage over elderly’s incident; police arrests inciter; and Sisi says this is not our nature and orders punishing culprits
-Security Council welcomes Sisi’s initiative to bring peace to region
-Moves taken to contain tensions after Coptic elderly woman stripped naked in Minya
-Two police officers ailed for involvement in killing Helwan’s officer, police personnel
-Dokki, Agouza protesters’ lawyers: Court refused payment of EGP 100,000 ($11,258) bail in installments
Al-Masry al-Youm:
-Suspects arrested over ‘Helwan massacre’ in ‘Mission 36’
-Minya crime: President orders punishing culprits, rebuilding homes
-Prosecution investigates person’s death in custody at Waily police station; body has ‘bruises’
-‘Deterrence’ is government’s weapon to curb ‘drugs, food crisis’
-Sinai: ‘Martyr’s Right’ operation takes out 12 terrorists; three children killed after Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis group detonates explosive device
-Plane investigation committee receives data on pilot’s conversation with Greek air traffic control
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