The building of Egypt's Foreign Ministry. ASWATMASRIYA/ Ahmed Hamed
CAIRO, May 3 (Aswat Masriya) - The Egyptian embassy in Rome has received notification that the body of a deceased Egyptian man was found on a railway track in Naples, south of Italy last Saturday, Egypt's foreign ministry said on Tuesday.
Mohamed Baher was found on a railway track with bruises on his head and jaw. One of his family members notified the Egyptian embassy in Rome of the incident after having reported it to the Naples police station on Tuesday.
According to the ministry, Baher "illegally" migrated to Italy in 2006. His passport and his military enlistment certificate were found alongside his body.
The Egyptian embassy in Rome sent an urgent request to the Italian authorities to uncover the the circumstances of the incident and the results of the preliminary autopsy, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ahmed Abo Zeid said.
Last month, Egypt's public prosecution ordered two separate investigations into the killings of Egyptian nationals, Sherif Adel who died in a fire in London, and Mohamed Rushi whose dead body was found allegedly bearing torture marks in the United States.
The ministry's outspokenness about these two incidents came under scrutiny by critics and activists who viewed the extra attention given to these Egyptians' deaths as a way for Egypt to divert attention away from the slain Italian doctoral student Giulio Regeni.
Political relations between Italy and Egypt have been strained since Regeni's body was found bearing torture marks on the outskirts of Cairo last February, ten days after he disappeared on the fifth anniversary of the 2011 Uprising.
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