Former Agriculture Minister Salah Helal. Photo from Al-Ahram
CAIRO, Apr 9 (Aswat Masriya) - An Egyptian criminal court has set on Saturday the date to rule on the bribery case involving former agriculture minister Salah al-Din Helal and others to Apr.11.
Helal was arrested early September after he submitted his resignation to then-Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb.
Egypt's prosecutor general Nabil Sadiq referred the defendants to criminal court last October.
Helal is accused of demanding bribes from businessman Ayman al-Gameel, one of the defendants in the case, in return of legalizing the procedures of 2,500 acres of land in Wadi al-Natrun.
Egypt ranked 88th out of 168 countries on Transparency International's 2015 corruption perceptions index which ranks countries and territories based on how corrupt their public sector is perceived to be.
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